Sunday, 23 August 2009

ledges around by freshwater bay. (Portland)

(ballan wrasse) (ballan wrasse) (tompot blenny)

(Corkwing wrasse)
23rd august.

An all day fishing trip with me and my two mates kev and Rich.

27 fish between us, 7 ballan wrasse, 19 corkwing wrasse and 1 tompot blenny.


  1. where is the picture of corkwing wrasse?????

  2. ive loaded up a picture just for you wangka,sorry jangka

  3. What is the size of the fish? It looks small tough. They ought to be released back into the water.

  4. i always put the fish back to fight another day. Luckily for them i don't eat fish, i just take a quick picture and pop 'em back. Most of the fish i catch are small, may wife says it's because i'm a crap angler!
