Sunday, 23 August 2009

ledges around by freshwater bay. (Portland)

(ballan wrasse) (ballan wrasse) (tompot blenny)

(Corkwing wrasse)
23rd august.

An all day fishing trip with me and my two mates kev and Rich.

27 fish between us, 7 ballan wrasse, 19 corkwing wrasse and 1 tompot blenny.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Two uncomfortable nights sleeps

I forgot my tent poles so i had to tie my tent to this door thing.Ground was a bit uneven!! There was a storm in the night can you tell!

My fishing scenery makes you wanna fish!

Ferry bridge weymouth
Freshwater bay (portland)



Chesil beach sunset

Chesil beach

Chesil beach

Chesil beach

Chesil cove

Portland bill

Portland bill

Fishing on the swiggy wiggy pics

Kev on the piss swig (ferry bridge) Me at ferry bridge swig on

chesil beach 3 men and some vodka

chesil beach, 1 or 2 beers

Me trying my hardest to catch a fish

strong bow always helps in winter

Earley morning swig for kev

Me after catching my quota

Portland bill refreshments

Fishing and alcohol really dont mix video

Fishing and Alcohol Videos at Chesil beach

featuring Kevin small fish and i'm manley stanley

Chesil beach ( Weymouth end )

chesil at sunset
smoothound caught on a sliver of mackerel ( 1hook paternoster rig )

Dogfish caught on a sliver of mackerel ( wishbone rig )

Me with 2 lb smoothound

Pollack caught on ragworm using a 1 hook paternoster

Mackerel caught on feathers

Pout caught on ragworm and lugworm cocktail. 1 hook paternoster

I fish here alot. There is great fishing in summer and winter. There are a couple of wrecks close to shore which attract trigger fish and there are plenty of other species that can be caught here including: Cod, Whiting, Pout, Wrasse, Dog fish, Bull Huss, Spur Dod, Red Gurnard, Bream, Mackerel, Garfish, Conger eel, eel, Bass, and Smoothound.

Fantastic venue!!!

Chesil Cove ( Portland end of chesil beach )

I have fished here a couple of times, once in the summer where i caught a few makerel on feathers and the other time was winter where i caught a Pout on lugworm using a 1 hook paternoster rig.

There is good free close parking here.

Inbetween Freshwater bay and Portland Bill

I have fished around these cliffs just the once. I fished for four hours with half a pound of ragworm.I caught 5 Corkwing Wrasse and 2 Ballan Wrasse , using a rotton bottom rig on a 2 oz lead. Great fun!

Portland bill and surrounding ledges

I have fished this spot on many times.

During the day i have caught Ballan Wrasse and Corkwing Wrasse

and during the night a 3 Bearded Rockling.

Bass, pollack,conger eel, and garfish can also be caught off portland bill but i have yet to catch any of these.I will update when i do.

My catches have been with ragworm, mackerel strips, lugworm and peeler crab.

Durdle Pier ( Portland )

Shore Rockling The old crane at Durdle pier
Durdle pier is a nice quite fishing spot a long walk east of church ope cove. I have fished here a number of times during the day and caught various types of Wrasse using ragworm or limpets on a rotton bottom rig. I have also caught pollack from here using mackerel feathers and at night have caught Rockling on ragworm.